My name is Adrienne, or Age as some would have it. Image is not everything. I started modeling about a year ago or so, and have fallen in love with it. I believe real women have curves, and should embrace them to their fullest. I also believe at first eye's glance, one should be unassuming as to exactly who I am. I have many different features & quirks to my character, and gladly where them on my sleeve.
I'm from all over the place, however, I've been living in Calgary, for almost a year now, and absolutely love the hustle and bustle of the city. I love to travel, but due to my lack of motor skills, do not drive, but am very transit friendly, and keen on getting lost often.
I am unsure as to what my love for photography will bring, but I'm certainly willing to find out. Being an artist myself, I'm very open minded and more than comfortable with my body. I look forward to meeting creative and interesting individuals, who will help my expand my new found passion.
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