"Taking your clothes off, doesn't make you a model..." ~Kaley Johnson
********PLEASE READ MY BIO ONLINE!*********
**Reigning Miss Calgary 2009** www.pattifalconer.com/ucevents.htm http://www.metronews.ca/calgary/local/a-of-a-cure
**Miss Universe Canada Top 10 Finalist, Highest score Interview and Talent**
*"Face" of SHE Lingerie and Casting Director/ Model Scout*
*Co-Founder of Calgary Glam Jam- Stay tuned for events!*
*******Recent Events********* *Alberta Fashion Week 09 Adejoke Taiwo (from Project Runway Canada!!) Go to the Blog option..watch the Alala Video: www.calgaryfashion.ca
Oct 7th for Maria O Oct 10th for Sara C Bridal Fair/Expo's Marketing Photoshoot for "The Red Bag" Clothing stores Local Miss Calgary events- TV, radio and Runway appearances BTV - On location at SHE Lingerie with Jill Belland. (Wed Feb 11th) Miss Calgary 2009 Pageant - Won on Sunday Feb 8th 'SHE' Lingerie model- Runway/Shoots/Shows***** My own event- *Fashion Fantasy* at BLVD - thanks to all our volunteers that night! Thursday Feb 5th Sunshine Charity Event at the Met on 8th- Was on City TV last night! Lingerie Lunch-in's (Multiple) at the Bow Valley club. Taboo Naughty and Nice Sex Show with SHE Lingerie Featured on the program wink Calgary Glam Jam's website release party "The Launch" Nov 8th at BLVD Calgary Glam Jam 08! SHE lingerie Desires event at the Arts hotel Coverage by City TV CHECK THE VIDEO OUT: http://www.citytv.com/calgary/yourcity_60921.aspx SHE Lingerie Sex and the City~~Desires* HOSTED THE SUCCESSFUL GLAMJAM MEET&GREET! www.calgaryglamjam.com smile Read the review http://calgaryjournal.ca/results.php?id=822
Man on a Mission episodes
Athletes in Motion short film
************Published************** Official full page add for The Bridal Fair 2009 can be found in "Calgary Bridal" and "Wedding Bells" Calgary Sun- Miss Calgary** High River Times- Miss Calgary May issue of 'Bride and Groom'- Back cover x2 issues Taboo Program guide for SHE Lingerie Uncle's Pin-up Calendar
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