The place to find sleek, sexy, awesome Runway models.
Calgary and Vancouver Island
LookManagement is currently looking for runway models if you are...
female you are 5'9"-6' male 5'11" - 6'3" send along your show shots, press or video for review.
Advice to Beginners I have always considered myself a silent screen actor; I think many good models do. Successful models express a feeling; mix the clothing, the make-up, and the hair with the concept creating a “character” to get “into” and present. This “character” the model creates is who works the garment in the photo, or on the runway. New models can mistakenly think that their book is about them. Many new modeling pictures can look like the model is either seeking approval, or trying too hard to sell themselves. They are failing to attach a feeling and character to their work leaving the image short. A picture is only worth a thousand words if it makes the viewer feel something. Love, Hate, Intrigue, Mystery, Lust, Loneliness, Happiness, Wonder, Success, Contentment...You have the whole range of human emotion to choose from to fill the picture or runway with, use them. A model is a representation of life. When developing your book think about developing a character for each of your “looks”. You need to subvert your ego and fit a character into the garment. You need to kick out an emotion and a “look” that the photographer and client are trying to capture. Remember you have been hired for your “look” not the real you. Although if the real you doesn’t present well, you won’t be hired! “People watching” is a great way to develop your repertoire of looks.
I was fortunate enough to be testing with Calgary’s fashion photographers at least twice a week when I started and I continued to test like this for years. Test with as many photographers as you can and yes sometimes as a new model you have to pay a working photographer. A model needs a good strong book with every look possible. Photographers each have their own style, this is good for you. Seek them out and meet. Do not shoot your whole book with one photographer in one day. You need variety, the spice of life! Models need to test and test and test. I can’t say this enough. This is the only way to gain the posing and look development you need to succeed. My tactic was the same for runway; however I did take lessons for the basics from good models and I learned how to march in cadets. I practiced every day, walk and turn, walk and turn for hours and hours. I can do anything in heels! I did every show I could get my hands on free or not. Hair shows, bar shows, charity shows, mall shows, small shows, big shows, everything. My runway goals were simple: to show in Europe, and New York, to work with Iman, and to be considered one of Canada’s Best Show Girls. I did all that and more. You need to have targeted goals in this industry. Decide now, who you want to work for...what magazines, photographers, designers, agents, then get out there and do it!
So what is a model?
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_%28person%29
Modeling is distinguished from other types of public performance, such as an acting, dancing or mime artist, although the boundary is not well defined. Appearing in a movie or a play is not considered modeling. However, models may be considered to express emotion in their photographs, and many describe themselves as actors. Models are generally not expected to verbally express themselves unless to visually enhance a photograph. Models may be used to display and promote clothing. Fashion modeling may involve catwalk or runway modeling or editorial modeling, covering photography for magazine spreads, ad campaigns, catalogues, print etc. The emphasis of fashion photography is on the clothes or accessories, not the model....
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