When a girl ceases to blush, she has lost the most powerful charm of her beauty.
vibrant and talkative, adventurous. Love to be the center of attention. Natural, confident leader. enthusiastic about my goals and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, "wanting is always better then getting" is a good way to sum it up.
***IMPORTANT**** GO TO: https://www.bpmagonline.com/single_profile.php?model_id=1865 VOTE ME!!!!!!!
CHECK OUT: http://www.premium-jdm-imports.com/Inventory.html >> Check out my photo on the website =)
BECOME A FAN ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Manda-Bouvette/147445001241?ref=nf
NEWS: ****Will Be In Vancouver November 4,5,6,7**** Please contact me if you wish to work together or book me for events. Thanks so much!!!
Past Events: >>Soul Elements Cancer Benefit Fashion Show 2009--Red Deer, AB >>Season Four: Shoot Me Now-- Guard Your Girls--Red Deer/ Sylvan Lake, AB >> Season Four: Fall into Fashion--Vancouver, BC
Photographers I've worked with: Kubowski - MM#789540 MTKelly - MM #471987 SimonDP - MM #786093 Photographix - MM #18660
MUA I've worked with: Carolyn Corrigal #850045
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