My name is Nikki & I am fairly new to the photography scene. However I take it VERY seriously & am determined to grow & always develope my skills as I am VERY competative & am determined to be taken seriously as I plan to make it my full-time career in the next 6months-1year (& I see nothing wrong w/ that...competition is good for us all...it's what drives us to excell!!)
I am currently working on several projects including a couple of books. I am always looking for new & unique individuals to work w/ as far as models go (male & female). Also I always enjoy the chance to do GP work, or assist any photographers who are wanting an assistant. This is after all something I think many people should embrace as I believe that no matter how good you are compared to the next guy, we all have something on one level or another we can learn from each other & we all have our own unique skills to bring to each others sets.
Thank you & I look forward to getting to know many of you here ;-)
Great smile
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L.A. Woodward...
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A day @ the park...
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Taking the time...
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