I've been making art for years, shooting whenever I had the chance. As Faust would put it, action is everything, so I thought it was time to start developing my skills and putting my work out there.
I'm interested in glamour and beauty photography. I have a vision to use bold colour, lighting and composition to bring a kind of "postmodern sublime" into daily life via bodies and motion. However, my first loves are subcultural style and classic rock and punk photos. I'm referring the kind of images that bring to life the rush of that first show, where the sweat and the feedback and hopeless romanticism almost drip from the lens. I love the photos that make palpable the gritty, hard-living myth of scene life, and almost make a person believe there may have been a time when a song like "Daydream Nation" could have been sincere.
I'm visiting Buenos Aires in the winter, so I plan on posting editorial photos from my trip as well. I hope to keep these images within my goals for this site: to document the poetic everyday in a way that is at once fantastic and human, immediate and intentional. Whatever I do, the one thing that unifies my interests is a desire to create the sense of "being there."
Thank You so very Much for the wonderful Compliments! I really am appreciative! Welcome to MR, and great photos!! Lokking forward to seeing others.
I see this as a continuation of a beautiful friendship. Welcome to the fold. :D
These first couple of photos are unedited. I didn't really think they needed any touch ups at the time. Even the slight noise in these pictures seems to work here.
Last edited by Preta 1 year, 10 months ago
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