Hello, I'm Raven Le Faye. smile I'm an experienced and versatile model based in the East Bay. I am professional and extremely easy to work with. Available for travel with expenses paid.
"The symbolic meaning of the Raven in Native American Indian lore describes the raven as a creature of metamorphosis, and symbolizes change/transformation.
Raven symbolizes the void - the mystery of the unknown. Ravens are symbolic of the Black Hole in Space, which draws in all energy toward itself and releases it in new forms. The iridescent blue and green that can be seen in the glossy black feathers of the raven represents the constant change of forms and shapes that emerge from the vast blackness of the void."
"Raven is also the totem of the pan-Celtic Sorceress/Goddess Morgan le Faye, who was also called the Queen of Faeries. A shape shifter, she would often appear as a raven or hooded crow. As a spirit guide, Morgan places obstacles in our path in order to draw the best from us; testing our ability to cope with awkward situations, and showing us how to find inner strength. She guides us through the complexities of life, never once trying to delude us into thinking that everything is straightforward. She helps us understand something of the nature of the universe, and empowers an individual to confront challenges with great personal strength.”
: : : : : : : : > > > > > > > > > > P L E A S E N O T E < < < < < < < < < < : : : : : : : : : My hair is currently bright pink as shown in recent photos. Pictures depicting me with black hair are older.
> I'm an experienced model interested in networking, collaborating, growing, learning, and doing whatever I can to keep pushing my limits of self-improvement. > Currently seeking photographers with creative and inspiring photos to collaborate with. I'm open to a variety of ideas and love trying new ones. However, I have a particular interest in alternative fashion and art, and photography with a strong conceptual base. > In addition to modeling, I dabble in a number of other things that can potentially enhance shoots that I am a part of.
* Styling - I can do my own hair or makeup if necessary, piece together wardrobe, or even collaborate on producing the whole shoot. I have a lot of ideas, so if you’re looking for a model that wants to be involved in the creative process – I’m more than willing so just ask smile * Design and creative works - anything and everything, from clothing, jewelry, props, and hair falls to websites, graphics, photo editing/manipulation, and digital painting. I tend to dabble in just about everything crafty. * Performance - I enjoy portraying a character or strong emotion in shoots. I also have experience gogo dancing - I've done many freelance gigs but also ran my own troupe of dancers for a while as well as the dancers/stage show for The Zoopy Show Check it out on youtube one more Costumes, props, and choreographed segments done by me
> I'm primarily concentrating on paid work at this time. However I do take on selective trade projects and may be persuaded to shoot TF* for the following:
* Well-established photographers, with stunning work that will benefit and enhance my portfolio. * Fashion and art in my areas of interest - I love bright colors, corsets, latex, Japanese fashion, burner-esque clothing, etc. * Conceptual shoots – currently seeking more edgy, artistic shoots with crazy costumes, locations, makeup, and themes. The crazier the better! - Fetish and alternative modeling, anything edgy, twisted, crazy, or ‘strange.’
> Otherwise, my rates are reasonable and flexible - I am willing and able to work within most budgets. When contacting me, feel free to make an offer on pay for hourly or day rate - I will also take compensation in select wardrobe wink > Nude and implied shoots will be accepted on a case by case basis. Also, I do not accept requests for any type of adult/porn style shoots. I respect all forms of art; those just aren't for me. > I am willing to travel within the bay area and anywhere else expenses are paid. I'm very flexible with dates and times. smile
> Please send me a private message with as much information as possible. I appreciate a detailed description of the theme/idea, estimated date of shoot, if you have a stylist/MUA lined up, compensation, etc. I will still respond to a message that just says “Hey, let’s shoot sometime” but just know that these will be my first questions so let’s try to save us both time
I am very professional and respectful of your time. If for ANY reason I am unable to make a shoot, adequate notice will be given. Please treat me with the same courtesy. smile
Thanks for looking!
Tessa Beebe
J Andrescavage Photo
_The Hyde Project_
Alien Life (x3)
Trained Eye
Thomas Landon
James Courtney
Alpha Boy/Kevin Burton
Studio La Donna
Evan Hayden
Elevenorchids (x2)
Rachel Duff Photography
Kimberly Sandie
Brandon M
Topher Adam Photography
Roger Hagadon
PJ reptilehouse (x2)
John Carman (x2)
George Liao Photography (x2)
Todd C Hartman
Julia Comita
David Quinn Photography
Persona Studios
ashley russo-cunningham
Michael Blackmon
Sarah Jehan
Sweet Gina Barbara
Steve Smith - SfS Photo
Nick Masters (Ikon XVI)
Destroy Inc
Michi Rezin
Jaime Ibarra
Bryon Hendon
Javier Padilla
Doug Mar
CurvyPixels Photography (x2)
Sarah photography
Jay Perez (x6)
Tara S
Audrey Young
Gold Photo
Chi - Rue99 Photography (x3)
John Warner
Patrick R
Kat Bret Photography
Melissa Sheffield - MSI Photography
R Trudeau
Makeup by Treja (x2)
Hair Design by Lorenzo (x4)
Gina Novotchin
Airbrush artist Icarus Zaure
comeandmakemeover (x3)
Make up by Mia
Makeup by Kittylicious
Styles By Ann (x2)
F Nickolas Andrade
Kayo Mitsuyama
Jasmin Zorlu
Eirik Aswang (x2)
Madam S Latex
Noel La Belle Fashions
Harlequin Feltworks
Noel La Belle Fashions
Art Attack: "The Out Far Bazaar" Supperclub - 8.19.2010
Fashion by Eirik Aswang at House of Usher Reunion show - 8.13.2010
Fetish/Latex workshop with Kumi Monster - July 2010
Art Attack Fashion show Supperclub - 2010
Body paint model BBC - 2009 - 2010
Themed gogo dancer Exotic Erotic ball (zombie cage) - 2009
Illuminance Playground Breast Cancer Benifit - 2009
Eirik Aswang designs at Bay City Hookers - 2009
Madame S Latex Fashions in SF Fetish Ball 08
Ed Hardy Show in SF - 2008
Also managed the dancers and stage show for The Zoopy Show
| FILM |
Zoopy + Germart Web Flier
Music video for "Heroes" - Meikee Magnetic and drummer Mateo G
Primary Extra in "The Glitter Emergency - a film by Paul Festa"
| Print |
Catalogue work for rivithead
Shrinkle article for Parasol Mag
Really awesome portfolio. I love the colours and tones in every image. Excellent job!
You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL, awesome portfolio! I am jealous :P
Very nice. Book shows a variety of moods and ability to get into character.
Super port of a lovely lady. Wish you were in Calgary. And your MM port is smashing!!
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