I'm Jesse Yardley, founder of Model Republic. My goal in creating this site was simple. Build something better than what was currently available. Social Networking sites have come a long way with the likes of Facebook and Myspace. Unfortunately the best thing going for the modeling community was Model Mayhem... Not the most innovative site ever designed ;-). Therefore we bring you the Republic. I hope you enjoy it, find it useful and tell your friends. Together we can make this site rock!
4 Photos
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2 Photos
3 Photos
Glad i stumbled upon your Flickr profile once more. Meant to make an account last time but i somehow missed it. I hope this site does well, it has a much more refreshing flavor to it than some others out there.
i linked you up on my fb, hoping some of the many models/photogs will make the jump. lets hope :)
This was so damn easy to get on here, I was rejected by that other place *yeah, that one! Thank you so very much for not putting constraints on picture size, that is fantastic..Your site looks clean and friendly, good work!
Its so good Jesse.
So good.
Tremendously, phenomenally, ridiculously good.
The modelling community needed this, its brilliant - I can't imagine what kind of vision, drive, etc. it took to bring it to life, but you have my sincere thanks and appreciation. I feel good just looking at this site. Respect.
Hi Jesse,
Awesome Site. Congratulations to you and Ryan for giving us Canucks a Great Place of our own to Network. Keep up the Great Work.
Soko Fotohaus
Thanks for the comment :) You have created a wonderful site! I love that there is no limit on pictures and the presentation of the site! Also great work! :)
I made it on...lol as a model..lol...great site jess, Im impressed!!
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