I am a sports (show jumping, speed skating, etc) and performing arts photographer (theatre, dance, music, etc). In addition, I do work to develop model portfolios.
If you are interested in a photographic session, contact me my MR message or by email at [email protected]
Some additional images from the 1960's and 1970's are on: https://modelrepublic.net/person/tonyRetro
Photo of me: http://tphoto.myphotos.cc/me.jpg
This post was deleted by fotographix.ca - 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Thank you for the pic comment! You have an amazing port..wonderful work!!
Thanks for the comment, love your port too. You've got a lot of great and interesting photos in there. I especially like the shot of the girl hanging off of the stairway railing. fantastic!
It was great shooting with you today Tony! I look forward to doing it again soon!
It was a great pleasure meeting you and your lovely wife today Tony! Thanks for the super fun shoot, looking forward to you opening the car door for me when we're in France! ;)
Ps. i left my red scarf in your car can you keep it safe for me? Thank ya!
Last edited by NonaLotus 1 year, 4 months ago
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