I have been Modeling for Approx. 11 years now. Unfortunately due to a Fire a few years back, AND a horrible, Lunatic EX-Husband, I have lost all my past photos. :( So Now I am in the process in trying to re-create some of the great photos that I have lost (that I can Remember) from my Youth. I do hope there are Photographers out there that are willing to give me a hand in helping me re do my memories, plus creating fabulous New Artistic Creations!! I also have a secret that I have kept secret for many, many years... I am Physically disabled. I have a Malformation In my brain that causes extreme pain not only in my head but also in my neck and back. But don't let that fool you!! I will push myself to make my photos phenomenal!! And Prove to the World that a Disability doesn't mean you can't do what you love!! :) I Will do TFCD's IF: 1) You Have a phenomenal Portfolio, 2) You are an established Photographer, 3) You have some Fanatastic Idea To add to My Portfolio, 4)Or WE have come to some kind of agreement Like a trade in New Wardrobe instead of Payment. ( I LOVE CLOTHING!!! :D) Of course Paid shoots are always priority, If they weren't, then I'm in the wrong business!! LOL!! My Rates are WAY BEYOND Reasonable!! So don't be afraid to ask about them. And One More thing... If You have an Idea for a shoot that You think is "Out There", Pleaz ask Me!! 9 times out of 10 I will say YES!! As long as it has nothing to do with Porn or abuse to women.... I'm Usually IN!! :D
Peace and LUV!! Stevilee
Stevilee has no collections.
Thank you for stopping by my port! Your port looks fantastic! You have a diverse look. Keep at it!
Fantastic bio and beautiful port. I enjoyed viewing your work. =)
beautiful photos! you are so stunning, and quite sweet, thanks for the lovely comment!
Thanks for the wonderful Friday shoot in the sun and water!!! Great work.
Stevilee, Thanks for chatting at the BBQ, I am very much looking forward to our shoot coming up in a couple of weeks, Stevilee..Thank you for the compliment!! Bren
Love your recent work - and the new images with Ivan are spectacular.
Thank you so very much for your kind comments! You're such a sweetheart!
If you are interested in doing a shoot sometime, let me know. I'm not sure where you are based but I would like to work with you. Let me know if you are interested.. Nice port!! Bren
Hi! Thank you : ) I would love to collaborate a shoot together one day! That would be fun.
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