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Jonathan Stankiewicz
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Critique: This is quite an arresting image. The moody understatement works well. The model fits the concept with her style and attitude. Overall, you did a pretty fine job, in particular, considering your age.
A few points might be worth considering. The model's left hand fingers intrude into the picture "from nowhere" and are distracting. Maybe try a different crop. Remember that you also have a clone tool to remove unwanted photo elements :-) The model's right hand almost have a claw-like feeling - possibly the fingers should be closer together. I personally find the ring to be distracting because it is quite bright and draws the eye inappropriately.
The image is, IMO, overall slightly on the dark side - the left side of the model's face needs a slight bump (but not much) bump in detail. The beauty of this lady is largely expressed in her eyes - it might be improved by dodging the eyes a bit - making the eyes pop a bit more would draw the viewer to what I think is the important part of the image.
The desaturation is reasonable - maybe the contrast and brightness could be slightly increased and still preserve the mood. Right now, it seems a bit muddy.
Maybe the lady's right cheek should be slightly retouched with the healing brush or patch tool remove the slight depressions in her skin. This is a matter of taste - some folks like skin untouched. My personal preference is to fix things "if I notice them" when I edit the image.
Keep working with your lady friends - I expect to see really good images as you continue to shoot.
Last edited by tonyfield 5 months, 4 days ago
What Tony said.
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